Properties Of High-Strength Concrete

Concrete is an indispensable part of the construction industry in Lilongwe. On behalf of construction companies, efforts are continuously made to come up with better options to make the concrete even more reliable so that it is capable of withstanding harsh weather conditions. Over the course of 100 years, the strength of concrete has been increased from 28Mpa to 800Mpa. The development of a high-strength concrete mix is a result of such efforts only. The following is a list of pointers comprising the properties of high-strength concrete. Without any further ado, read on to plunge into the details.
High-Strength Concrete

Properties of High-strength concrete:

Work ability Factor
The work ability factor of concrete can be defined as the ease in the process of placing, compacting, and finishing of the concrete in its fresh state even though it is essential how the concrete is handled to determine the work ability of the concrete. However, the high strength concrete is somewhat sticky because of the high cement content, and it gets a tad bit challenging to handle. Hence, concrete pumps are preferably used.

Bleeding Factor
Bleeding can be defined as the process of settlement of solid particles of the cement. The aggregate in the fresh concrete mix results in the development of a layer of water on the top of the concrete surface when it is still in the fresh state. It can have an impact on the durability of the concrete. As compared to that of the normal strength concrete, high-strength concrete has less water content, which even though makes it sticky but results in little bleeding.

Permeability refers to the ability of any liquid to pass through a solid object. Permeability can lead to severe concerns such as corrosion resistance, resistance to chemical attacks, which affect the durability of the concrete. High-strength mix concrete does not allow liquids to pass through it, and hence, it has high durability compared to normal strength concrete.


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