The Major Strategic Use For Prestressed Concrete In Construction World

There is no denying that ready-mix concrete gives excellent strength and enough durability for the structure. You might have come across a plethora of benefits of concrete by using concrete in construction. But this piece would be emphasizing more on the question, “why do we need prestressed concrete?”
Ready Mix Concrete 

If you are a contractor or too keen in the construction business, you might have noticed the crack formation under the concrete element after completion of the structure. This happens due to the load applied to the concrete top surface after hardened. Initially, the concrete element deforms at the mid-portion and, after a long run, the crack forms on the concrete.

These issues can be rectified using chemical mixtures for small scale structures. But, for large ones such as bridges, dams, and high-rise buildings, the process of rectification can be a tad confusing. And the rectifying cost can also be over the top. The prestressed concrete technology has been introduced to prevent those issues from happening on large structures.

What is meant by prestressed concrete?
Concrete Construction in Lilongwe has become easier with the coming of this concept. High tensile stress-induced artificially on the reinforcement bars of concrete before the placement is called prestressed concrete. It helps the concrete to detain the shrinkage crack formation, after completion of structure work.

The Principle Behind Prestressing
The steel reinforcement bars are stretched before the use of concrete. So when the force is applied to the concrete, it resists the formation of cracks on the concrete. The chances are that you might be aware of the wine wood barrels tied in peripheral by the steel band, which is already prestressed. The liquid stored in the barrel tends to create pressure to the surface, which the steel band resists and prevents the barrel from breaking.

The prestressed concrete is economical for a long span structure, and it increases the ability of the concrete for energy absorption against sudden impact load.


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